Saturday, August 15, 2009

All About Empousai

Hi, Li'l Miss Spooky here. Today I am going to talk about a monster I learnt in a book called "Percy Jackson and the Battle Of the Labyrinth". ''Percy Jackson'' is sort of like a series of books I really like to read. I also have another favourite book called ''The 39 clues'' .Well, lets get back to the monster I will talk about today. Today I am going to talk about Empousai. Empousai are sort of like vampires, but the Greek type. Anyway,the book says that they have:Red eyes,fangs (Of course), legs(The left one is brown and shaggy with a donkey's hoof,the right one is a human leg but it is made with bronze. (This is the book,not me.) Anyway, I don't have any pictures about Empousai,because my book dosen't have any pictures .

So Ta-ta! I gotta go now,so see ya in my next post! Li'l Miss Spooky out!

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