Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hello and Goodbye

Hi fellow spooks:

Li'l Miss Spooky here. I guess it's been a while since I've posted. Hope everyone doesn't think I''m dead or something- that'd really be spooky (and it might even make a good blog post- hehe, just kidding...) So to everyone who reads my blog, long time no see. I'm guessing whoever's reading this is probably more freaked out about the title of the post- the goodbye part. Yeah, it is an oxymoron (as bad as it sounds, oxymoron is NOT an insult), but it's really what this post is about today. Yes, that's right, I'm shutting her down. No more posts from yours truly- on THIS blog. Whoever finds my blog after this post, feel free to browse through my past posts, but for those of you who want more posts from me, well, that's the good part :) 

I'm starting a new blog! Yay! But this time, I'm gonna mix things up a little. I'm not going to be blogging about monsters or the undead- and I'll leave you free to check out my new blog. I'll be updating this post with links to my new blog, but until then, Li'l Miss Spooky over and out. 

P.S: I almost forgot! Feel free to annoy your friends and family with this song
Have a Very Spooky/ Merry Dalek Christmas!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hi, it's me again, Li'l Miss spooky. Today I have a very interesting topic -zombies. Everybody knows what zombies are: creatures of the undead, their favourite food is brains and other gross stuff. Anyway, I got the topic zombies because a few months ago, my dad introduced a new game to me called Plants vs Zomies. It's really cool! My dad has it on his ipod and my mom has it on her iphone. Anyway, if you want to know how cool the game is, play it to find out! The zombie picture I got is a 'football zombie' from Plants vs Zombies. He's really tough to defeat, you know. Plants vs Zombies also has a music video after you complete Adventure mode in the game. You can go to youtube so you can watch it. The URL is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N1_0SUGlDQ&feature=channel

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Hi it's me again, long time no see!

Today I'm talking about a Philippine monster called a Manananggal (pronounced "Ma-na-nang-gaal"). These creatures resemble Vampires from western myth. They are evil, cannibal witches who in the daytime look like normal humans. However at night, they split into two halves. The top half of the body flies away and perches on rooftops waiting for victims whose organs she can suck with her very long tongue. The bottom half is left behind wherever the Manananggal was originally.

Manananggals can be found in the provinces of Capiz and Antique in the Philipines. Relatives of the Manananggal can be found in Indonesian and Malaysian fokelore. I guess they would be a type of Pontianak. I haven't seen any in Singapore but if there were any, maybe you would find them hanging from a tree in Pulau Ubin. Watch out for Manananggal spit when you walk around! One drop will turn you into one of them!

Old folks say that you can kill a Manananggal using a sharp knife, sunlight,vinegar or even using the tail of a stingray to whip it to death.My dad says that you can also put ashes and garlic on the bottom half so that the two halves can't connect back. Sunlight will kill the top half, and I guess you can use the lower half as an unusual sidetable.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

All About Empousai

Hi, Li'l Miss Spooky here. Today I am going to talk about a monster I learnt in a book called "Percy Jackson and the Battle Of the Labyrinth". ''Percy Jackson'' is sort of like a series of books I really like to read. I also have another favourite book called ''The 39 clues'' .Well, lets get back to the monster I will talk about today. Today I am going to talk about Empousai. Empousai are sort of like vampires, but the Greek type. Anyway,the book says that they have:Red eyes,fangs (Of course), legs(The left one is brown and shaggy with a donkey's hoof,the right one is a human leg but it is made with bronze. (This is the book,not me.) Anyway, I don't have any pictures about Empousai,because my book dosen't have any pictures .

So Ta-ta! I gotta go now,so see ya in my next post! Li'l Miss Spooky out!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Witches and Warlocks

Hi,Li'l Miss Spooky here again. This time,I have another thing to share with you: Witches and Warlocks. First,let's talk about Witches. Witches are people with the ability to fly on magic brooms and create magic potions and spells. Most people say they have cauldrons, but I'm not really sure. Others say they have black cats. Some people also say that people turn into Witches or Warlocks by encountering the Devil. Anyway,to end of our talk about Witches and start with Warlocks, Here is a picture of a Witch ( I think.) Anyway, let's start with Warlocks now. Warlocks are simply male Witches with a different name. Warlocks are actually just like Witches,exept that the warlocks are male and Witches are Female and they have a different name. Anyway, the story is getting too long for me to type. So see you next time!!! ( This Saturday is my Birthday!)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Pink Ghost of Singapore

Hi ! I've been thinking about what to write on my blog until it popped into my head to make a movie instead. This is my first film and its called "The Pink Ghost of Singapore ". I made this film using my dad's old celephone and my mom helped me edit it on her Macbook.It was really fun filmimg my entire family including my dog especially during the Easter holidays. I hope you like it!

The Pink Ghost of Singapore

A mysterious entity has been seen haunting Singapore - the Pink Ghost! For more information on this fantastic creature, catch the news report from Spooky Science TV below or on YouTube at www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYQD0gRjPSI.

Also check out my exclusive Pink Ghost pictures at my parent's Flickr site - http://www.flickr.com/photos/vrocampo/sets/72157616630904252/

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vashta Nerada

Hi,Li'l Miss Spooky here from a loooong school vacation! Anyway,enough about me.Because,people reading the blog I owe you a CONGRAGULATIONS!!! The congragultions over there is because I am going to let Doctor Who fans look at my blog from time to time.Yay!!! Anyway,here's a new Docter Who villan:The Vashta Nerada. I am guessing now that the first question forming into your head (For non-Docter Who fans) what are the Vashta Nerada? If your heads are struggling to figure out the anwser,I might as well tell you.The Vashta Nerada are creatures that live in the shadows.(If you watch the episode Scilence In The Library ,I guess you would already know.) Anyway,as I was saying,they live in the shadows and if you accidently step into a place infested with them,I suggest you should take out your flashlight andstay in the light as much as possible.Unless that place has lights.Thats all the advice for staying alive if you find Vashta Nerada.Bye for now!

Monday, November 24, 2008


There's something spooky again from li'l miss spooky.This time,we're talking about ghosts.If you've haven't seen them before,let me explain what they do and how they look like.Firstly,ghosts are transparent.Way......transparent.As transparent as these ghosts crossing the street.(I meant the ones on your right.Other people just like to stick to the ghosts we all know.You know,the sheet ghosts with holes for eyes... Anyway,some people belive they're the ghosts of dead people or loved ones. Anyway,erlier we were talking about those sheet ghosts...right? If you want to see how they look like,you could just look in the centre of this post.I mean the top of it.On the top left you can see the ghost of two men,part of a ship's crew.Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Horray! Its Halloween!

Hi! Its me,Li'l Miss spooky.Anyway,did you know it was halloween? Great! As you know,all of my blog is about monsters.But I have 1 question to all of you reading my blog.What are you going to wear for Halloween? Besides that,guess who you find at the top of the post? Bony bones of course! (That's the skeleton) And as a special treat, I just put a spooky castle on the right.Thanks for reading! Happy halloween.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Have you watched gremlins? If you did,then you already know they are a menace to your house.But if you did not know,then you can listen to me.Once you recive one,there are only 3 rules of taking care of a gremlin...don't feed them after midnight,don't let them out in the sunlight(They'll die),And last but not least,don't get them wet.If you watch the movie,you'll know why not to get them wet.I know what happens,but I don't want to spill the secret. Okay,okay I'll tell you the secret.When you recive it,It'll be a cute,fluffy animal.In the movie,a little boy forgets these three rules.What happend is that one of his friends came over and accidently spilled a glass of water beside the furry creature,and then it multiplied actually the boy who had the furry creature was feeding them,but he did not notice that it was after midnight,because they ate the clock! Actually,nobody says eat the clock anymore or do they...never mind.On the top of this post is a gremlin,actually the baby form is the furry creature that is called a magui.Magui's are black,peach and white.But gremlins are green,scary,eat people and have a bad attitude.There's one more gremlin that dosen't appear in the movie.You can see it at the bottem of this post.But for now,bye-bye!