Friday, June 27, 2008


Have you watched gremlins? If you did,then you already know they are a menace to your house.But if you did not know,then you can listen to me.Once you recive one,there are only 3 rules of taking care of a gremlin...don't feed them after midnight,don't let them out in the sunlight(They'll die),And last but not least,don't get them wet.If you watch the movie,you'll know why not to get them wet.I know what happens,but I don't want to spill the secret. Okay,okay I'll tell you the secret.When you recive it,It'll be a cute,fluffy animal.In the movie,a little boy forgets these three rules.What happend is that one of his friends came over and accidently spilled a glass of water beside the furry creature,and then it multiplied actually the boy who had the furry creature was feeding them,but he did not notice that it was after midnight,because they ate the clock! Actually,nobody says eat the clock anymore or do they...never mind.On the top of this post is a gremlin,actually the baby form is the furry creature that is called a magui.Magui's are black,peach and white.But gremlins are green,scary,eat people and have a bad attitude.There's one more gremlin that dosen't appear in the movie.You can see it at the bottem of this post.But for now,bye-bye!


vrocampo said...

Hi Isabella,

I loved this movie as a kid. I even named one of my hamsters "Gizmo". Too bad they turn into scary monsters if they eat after midnight. The Mogwai would look really cute as stuffed toys. Maybe Mommy and Daddy will get you one if we find any.

Love you,

Dear old Dad

Unknown said...

I loved the gremlins. They bring back a lot of good feeding after miiiiiiidddddniggggghhttt....


Unknown said...

i think the idea of not feeding little creatures was made by dads who do not like waking up to feed milk to babies. the water part was to address bathing babies. Never let your mom know this though.

I cannot explain the sun thing but I think you do a great job of explaining details. Well done and I love your lair.


TPG-iTec said...

love all this spooky stuff! mogwai rawk. i loved how they reproduced -- popping out from each other like li'l boils bursting.

i think i should not be fed after midnight either.

Anonymous said...

hi isabella!

My shih tzu reminds me of a gremlin. Cute until he gets wet.. then he just looks freaky. The growls i get when hes hungry is another story...
I suspect i actually have a miniature yeti and no one has the heart to tell me the truth!

Great blog!

Tita Vanita of Coolness

serendipity said...

... my friends treat me like a Mogwai... they won't let me eat after midnight. hahaha

Happy blogging!!!

spooky's mom said...

My dear Isabella,

Congratulations! You’ve got fans☺

Love all your posts, especially the ones about trees, gremlins and weeping angels.
My favourite image – the Jack-o-lantern biting a smaller jack-o-lantern (very funny).

Did you know your grandfather (mom’s dad) and great grandfather (dad’s dad’s dad:)) were writers like you?

You’re also a gifted writer, sweetcakes. So blog on!

Proud to be your mom,



Thanks for the encouragement! It means a lot for a 7-year old just learning how to express herself in a medium that’s inevitably part of her generation future.

I think she’s a bit overwhelmed by the response right now, so she’s finding it hard to do the next post.

Some friends have expressed worry over what she might say or that she might attract the “wrong” sort of audience. Relax, we’ve laid down rules which she’s quite happy to adhere to. Though we don’t censor/pre-edit (indeed, she 'hides' the Mac screen with her hands when she sees us approach as she types), we give feedback on spelling, grammar, and of course content, after reading her entries. In fact, it’s good conversation at dinnertime☺

BTW, Manda, the editor gig was to be MY racket. But I don’t mind sharing duties with the hubby. Why do you think we set this up for her? ;)

Spooky’s Mom