Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

Well I wanted this blog because having a spooky blog might be fun and it is fun!I love having a blog! I named it The Spooky Science lair because I wanted something spooky. I love spooky stuff like ghosts,vampires and ware-wolves.Actually having a blog is one of the best things I've ever done. And right now I'm lost for words. I know that dragons and tarantula's are not spooky but I like them anyway.I love haunted houses too.Also mutant rats and black cats even if some people are scared by them.


vrocampo said...

Hi Isabella,

Congratulations on starting your blog. It looks really creepy. I know you want to talk about monsters and scary things but once in a while post something nice and cute so you wont scare friends and, especially our relatives :) away. We love you so much!

Your dear old Dad

Jen Velasco said...

Hello Lil' Miss Spooky,

It's very impressive that you blog on spooky stuff. I myself can't stand watching scary movies that show people dying and stuff but I like watching certain kinds of vampire movies. If you're dad and mum will let you, ask them when it's okay to watch Buffy the vampire slayer. You've probably heard of it. It doesn't play on tv anymore but you can watch it on dvd. Once you watch that, we can talk some more.....

Hugs and smiles,
Tita Jen

Unknown said...

Hi Isabella,

Congratulations on your blog and wishing you well on what I can only assume to be your journey to a career in writing. I too am a fan of anything spooky. About 25 or so years ago, I would religiously watch tv shows like Twilight Zone, Friday the 13th and Tales from the Crypt.'s a crazy idea to ponder on. Since you've written so many blogs, why not write your own spooky book series. Who knows, if it becomes big, maybe your Papa can retire and work as your editor. hahahaha.

Vaya con Diyos!!!

Tito Manda

Unknown said...

Hi Isabella,

Congratulations on your blog and wishing you well on what I can only assume to be your journey to a career in writing. I too am a fan of anything spooky. About 25 or so years ago, I would religiously watch tv shows like Twilight Zone, Friday the 13th and Tales from the Crypt.'s a crazy idea to ponder on. Since you've written so many blogs, why not write your own spooky book series. Who knows, if it becomes big, maybe your Papa can retire and work as your editor. hahahaha.

Vaya con Diyos!!!

Tito Manda