Wednesday, June 25, 2008


As you've seen in my first post,I said I also like warewolves.Warewolves are people who turn into wolves.But unlike other wolves,warewolves eat humans! I know it sounds scary,but its just what they do.Warewolves have the same details as a wolf,but sometimes I see one detail of a horse.Warewolves only come out at night because they change back to humans in the morning.Some people entitle them as hideous,scary,creepy and frightening.And sometimes they howl at the moon,I don't know why but I think its crazy.They usually stand on rocks when they howl.But bye-bye for now!

1 comment:

vrocampo said...

Dear Li'l Miss Spooky, think you meant to write about "Werewolves". The name comes from the Old English "wer" meaning "human" and of course, "wulf" which is the origin of our modern word "wolf". On the other hand you wrote about "Warewolves". In Old English "ware" means "product for sale" so people might think you were blogging about "wolves for sale" or "wolf available at your local grocery store". I myself am more scared of Were-hamsters. On nights where there's a full moon they come out, nip your little toe off and stuff them in their evil cheek-pouches.

